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Other Faiths

For two weeks of our school year we celebrate other faiths

Here is some learning from Judaism topic

Other Faiths Week

Year 3 and 5 Virtual Rabbi visit.

On Wednesday, Year 3 and 5 were lucky enough to each have a virtual lesson with Rabbi Zvi Solomons, as part of their learning for Other Faiths Week.

 The children in Year 3 learnt about what it meant to be Jewish. They learnt that a Jewish place of worship is called a Synagogue. In a synagogue, men and women sit separately. The children learnt about the different areas in a Synagogue, such as the Ark (where the Torah scrolls are kept), the Bimah (where the Torah is read from) and the Ner Tamid (the eternal light). They learnt that Jewish men wear a kippah (skull cap) when they attend the synagogue and a tallit (prayer shawl) when they pray. The Rabbi identified some of the similarities between Christianity and Judaism. The children heard the Rabbi reading the first part of the first book in the Torah (the Jewish Bible) from Genesis which he sang in Hebrew!


Year 5 spoke with Rabbi Zvi about what it meant to be Jewish and learnt more about the Feast of Passover or Pesach. We heard all about how they remember the story each year and the special meal they have as a family to celebrate. We were also sent a Seder Plate, complete with some Matzah, which is an unleavened bread, for us to try ourselves. The children really enjoyed this experience and experiencing a festival of a different type in the classroom.