School Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact
Curriculum Intent
At St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School, we deliver a broad, rich and varied curriculum which is underpinned by our mission statement, “God is at the heart of the school”. Religious Education forms the backbone to our curriculum as we strive to enable learners to achieve their best and be citizens who are kind, respectful and confident.
Through meaningful partnerships with parents and the community we provide a learning environment which prepares our pupils for their future.
Every child is recognised as a unique individual with their own starting point for learning. Key knowledge and skills are built upon as children progress through each key stage enabling them to make meaningful connections between their learning in units of work, individual subjects and across year groups.
We prepare children for the next stage in their learning journey by ensuring that they achieve high standards within English, maths and all foundation subjects.
We deliver an engaging and ambitious curriculum for every child that attends our school. The National Curriculum forms the foundation for all learning, which has been carefully sequenced to ensure that all children, in particular the disadvantaged and those with Special Educational Needs, are exposed to the richest and most varied opportunities that we can provide. We carefully consider the wide social backgrounds of all our learners and have designed a curriculum that enhances their understanding of different cultures, practices and beliefs through a range of memorable learning experiences. We actively promote respect and tolerance of all faiths and beliefs as well as instructing children on themes such as democracy, law, liberty and respect.
As children build their knowledge and skills, they are challenged to apply what they know in increasingly complex ways. Our key concepts and themes are woven through the key stages and enable us to build cohesive and multi layered learning. We nurture the whole child through exciting enrichment opportunities and enhanced personal development. Children engage in rich experiences from inspiring teaching.
We love reading! Reading is a core driver at St Francis and as children become more confident, skilled readers they can adapt the knowledge and skills of reading to all subjects.
Our curriculum enables children to understand their place in God’s world, through arts, culture and other learning opportunities in our society, so that they can be inspired. Our cross-curricular approach allows children to make meaningful links with their learning, build on prior knowledge and be ready for secondary school.
We aim for children to achieve exceptional outcomes whilst developing their knowledge, independence and creative thinking. We aim to produce collaborators, innovators, leaders and more than anything else, young people who understand what it means to be made in God’s image.
Through the provision of a well thought-through and planned curriculum, we provide a wide range of activities and opportunities for our learners in and outside of the classroom. We endeavour to cultivate the whole child and shape them to become confident, creative, self-motivated, questioning, risk takers and ambitious.
The full impact of curriculum is evaluated in a holistic way. The overall richness, breadth and balance of the curriculum is shown in learners’ books; by levels of engagement in lessons; by how well learners can articulate the depth of their learning across all aspects of the curriculum.
Through formative and summative assessment and pupil voice, there is clear evidence that deep learning takes place, with focus made on extending those who are working at a greater depth within the curriculum areas. Teachers use multiple assessment strategies assess where the children are and where they need to get to. All topics include an exciting initial activity; experience or event to gain excitement and enthusiasm for the topic and work builds towards a desired outcome to complete the learning experience.
Curriculum Enrichment
Wherever relevant and possible, our curriculum is enriched with visits from our parish priests, engaging workshops, visiting speakers, concerts, dramatic productions, special events, extracurricular clubs and educational trips. Each year group has exciting enrichment experiences planned, from seeing animals up close in Early Years to the Year 6 residential visit.