Year 5
Meet the Team
Miss Batchelor Miss Ainsworth
Welcome to Year Five!
Miss Batchelor is the teacher in Leopard Class and Miss Ainsworth the class teacher in Panda. Both teachers have worked in Year Five for several years and thoroughly enjoy the engaging topics and more complex curriculum of Upper Key Stage Two. We love encouraging each child to achieve their individual learning goals and supporting them in their unique learning styles.
An average day in Year Five:
8.40am - Morning task for children as they are coming in
9.00am - Register
9.05am - Assembly or Class Liturgy
9.30am - English
10.45am - Breaktime
11.00am - Maths
12.00pm - Reading
12.20pm - Lunch
1.15pm - Register and meditation
1.30pm - Topic / R.E. / P.E. x2
3.05pm - Afternoon Prayer
3.20pm - Home
Reading books need to be in school every day so we can record in Reading Records when we read with your child. Please ensure that your child reads a minimum of three days per week at home to develop fluency and comprehension. When you read with your child please record this in your child's Reading Record.
Children in Year Five should also be practising their spellings on Spelling Shed at least three times per week, new spellings are given on a Monday for a test the following week. Additionally, it is essential that your child is practising their times-tables regularly using Times-Table Rockstars, your child's knowledge and quick recall of times-table facts provides them with a clear understanding for large proportions of the maths curriculum in Year Five.
P.E. lessons are on Mondays and Tuesdays, please send your child to school in correct P.E. Kit on these days (no branded or logoed hoodies or joggers). If your child wears earrings, they will need to be removed by yourself or them prior to the sessions. Children are unable to participate when wearing earrings.
If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to ask us,
Miss Batchelor and Miss Ainsworth